Featured collection
How to Order:
Welcome and Thank You for stopping by Favorably Wrapped where we like to get wrapped up in your celebrations!!
For easy navigation, if you're on a mobile device, click the 3 lines at the top (Main Menu) and the drop down menu of themes will appear. If you're on a desktop/laptop, browse the collection designs on the side menu. There are many to choose from. If you are in need of POPULAR BRANDS AND CHARACTER THEMES, use the listings in the POPULAR BRANDS AND CHARACTER THEMES category in the main menu to place the order or message me. Please contact me through the "Chat with us" icon located at the bottom right of the screen. Make sure to leave your Needed By Date and Personalization Info in the provided boxes. Add all items to your cart using the drop down menus where the processing formats are available (Digital PDF Emailed, Printed Only and Assembled Items). If there are any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Again, thanks for stopping by and I look forward to working with you!
Gift Bags
These are a great decorating addition to your next special event.